Monday, June 20, 2011


Have you ever wanted to survey friends or other people but you just don't know how to make one because of complex input and coding. The is now an easier way to survey people, its LimeSurvey and it's free. You can make surveys and have the general public to answer it with the assurance of it returning with answers. LimeSurvey was made by Carsten Schmitz, Jason Cleeland and the other LimeSurvey team for the sole reason of developing surveys and collecting it without coding anything. It was released on February 23, 2003, and was awarded Les Trophées du Libre award in the category Enterprise Management. Click the logo on the top to start making your own survey to the public.

Main website

LiveSurvey work space
Survey questions
Our evaluation for this application is high because it proves to be helpful and contains the characteristics of Productivity. It has Efficiency in doing a survey and posting it, Effectiveness in making a survey easily, and it can be accessed anywhere at anytime with any device including the sending of survey results to a fax machine.

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